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Türkiye in the Crosshairs

Steen-Hansen continues its growth ambitions and can now announce its focus on the Turkish market.

Sales manager in Steen-Hansen, Mr John Borge Skomsoy inspecting nets near Ildir in Türkiye. Photo: Ulrik Ulriksen

Surrounded by seas on three sides, Türkiye is a historic power in fisheries and maritime activities. Aquaculture already accounts for over 60% of the country's seafood production, and with 9% annual growth, Türkiye represents a promising market for Norwegian aquaculture technology. With this growing market expected to reach an annual production of 700,000 tons by 2050, and an industry already ranked as the 4th largest in the country, both authorities and seafood producers are welcoming new and efficient solutions.

Steen-Hansen has already developed products that are particularly suited to the conditions found in Türkiye, such as in the Mediterranean, Aegean, and Black Seas. To establish a strong position, the company has partnered with Gülten Karahan, who will lead the marketing efforts in the country. Gülten brings extensive experience from aquaculture and other maritime activities.

"We see that Türkiye is already far ahead with modern seafood production, and at the same time, Türkiye faces many of the same challenges as Norway, including fish health issues, environmental impact and biofouling. We want to contribute here, and we believe our platform of products and expertise will be very useful as our Turkish customers work to achieve the planned growth" - says Ulrik Ulriksen, CEO of Steen-Hansen Group AS.

Gülten Karahan, ascending market coordinator for Steen-Hansen in Türkiye

Much of the seafood produced in Türkiye is exported to the EU, with inland trout production dominating, but sea bass and sea bream are also important species for marine aquaculture. All forms of fish farming need protection against unwanted biofouling organisms, and with modern antifouling solutions, both biosecurity and a healthy environment for the fish are ensured.

"I am both excited and proud to join the Steen-Hansen team and have the opportunity to contribute to the development of my country and this fantastic seafood industry. The sea is very important to me, and sustainable aquaculture is a meaningful commitment" - says an enthusiastic Gülten Karahan, the ascending Marketing Coordinator for Steen-Hansen in Türkiye.

For further information, please contact:

Ulrik Ulriksen, CEO, telephone +47 451 01 012 or

Gülten Karahan, Marketing Coordinator Türkiye, telephone: +90 533 390 36 36

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