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Steen-Hansen CHARITY initiative 2024

We are joining forces for a fundraising campaign to help children in Vietnam. We are purchasing blankets, winter jackets, water purification systems, and a lot of other equipment that the children and the boarding school need. Join us and make a difference!

We are engaged in a cause that is close to our hearts – helping children who really need it. As you may know, many children in this region live under severe poverty and hardship. They lack warm clothing, clean water, and many other things that we take for granted here in Norway.

During our visit to Van Chai in 2023, we decided to establish Steen-Hansen CHARITY, with the goal of making a difference for these children. Donations this year will go to a school for ethnic minorities, high up in the mountains of northern Vietnam. About 600 children have to live at the school under very difficult conditions, coming from poor families that can provide little or no support.

We ask you to support this important work. Every donation helps and will go in full to those who need it most. All donors with larger contributions will be featured in the report from this year's campaign.

How to contribute

IBAN / BANK: NO9132074391949


About Steen-Hansen CHARITY

Steen-Hansen Charity was established at the initiative of employees and owners of Steen-Hansen AS, a traditional paint manufacturer in Bergen. The association's purpose is to support development and aid projects aimed at poverty, children, healthcare, and education in Southeast Asia. The aid is provided regardless of ethnicity, religion, nationality, or political beliefs.


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